Abdel Gani Melara Navío, New Imam Khatib from the Seville Mosque Foundation.

From the Seville Mosque Foundation, and the Muslims of this city, we wish to public welcome Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara, the new Imam Khatib of the Seville Mosque Foundation.

It is a great honor for all to have a worldwide reference of knowledge of the din between us, and to be able to benefit from his company and knowledge. May Allah reward him for the enormous effort that he and his family have made to be with us in Seville. Amin.

He was born in Puertollano (Ciudad Real) on 19-9-1957, he studied Romanic philology at the Complutense University of Madrid, studies that ended in 1979. In that same year he accepted Islam.

The main profession he has developed, and continues to develop, is to translate from Arabic, a language he learned after finishing his degree in Romanic languages. He has also taught new Muslims and lectured on different aspects of Din for years.

His first major project was to undertake the translation of the Coran into Spanish language,a process of almost twenty years where other Spanish Muslims collaborated and where he studied the traditional tafsirs and looked for an expression in Spanish that was appropriate for the people of this time. This translation has been published several times. One of them by Mukhamma ‘al-Malik Fahd li Ṭiba’a al-Muṣḥaf ash-Sharif from Medina al-Munawwara, being required by such an organization because of the prestige among Spanish speakers. And another time by the Turkish Ministry of Religious Affairs of Turkey, among other several issues not less careful and important.

He has also translated texts such as: Mukhtaṣar al-Bukhari, al-Muwwaṭṭa from Imam Malik, ash-Shifá and Qawa’id al-Islam, both from qaḍi ‘Iyaḍ, the diwan from shaikh Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥabib and Tanbih al- Ghafilin from as-Samarqandi.