
Catalogo de Subasta, Kuala Lumpur 14 de Enero 2018

A continuación les presentamos el catalogo de la subasta silenciosa que se esta llevando a cabo conjuntamente con la cena de gala del día 14, en Kuala Lumpur, Malasia. El evento esta organizado por UlHaq Productions, con el apoyo y esponsorización de varias organizaciones. La subasta estará abierta hasta el mismo día 14. Los que estén interesados en hacer la …

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Cena de gala benefica; ´Viaje espiritual de España a Malasia´, en Kuala Lumpur, Malasia

´A Spiritual Journey from Spain to Malaysia´, Charity Gala Dinner. Cena de gala benéfica; ´Viaje espiritual de España a Malasia´, organizada por Ul Haq Productions, para recaudar fondos para el proyecto del Centro Cultural Islámico, Mezquita y Awqaf de Sevilla. El evento al que están invitados representantes del Gobierno de Malasia, Gobernadores, celebridades, diversas entidades, organizaciones y gente que a …

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Charla de Ustaz Iqbal Zain en Sevilla

El domingo 29 de octubre tendremos el honor de recibir en la Mezquita de Sevilla a Ustaz Iqbal Zain, renombrado Alim de Malasia, quien dará una pequeña charla después de la recitación de Corán de los domingos. Posteriormente habra cafe y pasteles. Ustaz Iqbal Zain formo parte de la segunda campaña de #ATileForSeville, y es un privilegio para nosotros tenerle …

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EPISODE 20 of 20 – The Final Episode – #ATileForSeville 2017

In this final Episode of ´A Tile for Seville´ we review all the emotions and support received during this amazing campaign. From the Seville Mosque Foundation we would like to take the opportunity to send our most sincere gratitude to every one that has made this campaign possible and that has supported it. From Ukhwah for Ummah, Aksi Cepatang Tangap, …

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EPISODE 19 of 20 – Oki Setiana Dewi & Faizal Tahir – #ATileForSeville 2017

The trip is almost done, series are almost done, but we still a long way to go to build the mosque! In this episode Faizal Tahir & Oki Setiana Dewi share with us their thoughts on their journey. A truly encouraging journey, of love and concern for the Muslim Ummah! Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel Please visit our …

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EPISODE 18 of 20 – Icons sharing their experience from Seville – #ATileForSeville 2017

An open heart reflexion from Dewi Sandra, Farah Asyikin, Elfauza Ul Haq and Irma Hasmie, from Seville, of their experiences during the trip while filming the #ATileForSeville series. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel Please visit our website — A Tile For Seville is a worldwide crowdfunding campaign. An initiative from the Malaysia’s NGO ´Ukhwah for Ummah´ (U4U), in collaboration …

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EPISODE 17 of 20 – A plea for help from the Seville Musallah – #ATileForSeville 2017

Irma Hasmie, Elfauza Ul Haq and Farah Asyikin, share their experience from the humble Musallah of the Seville Mosque Foundation, and do a plea for help, in what ever form that maybe, towards this noble cause. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel Please visit our website — A Tile For Seville is a worldwide crowdfunding campaign. An initiative from …

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