̈I Meeting of Muslim Women of Spain ̈, Al-Ihsan Community of Melilla

Below is the presentation of the event of the Al-Ihsan Islamic Community of Melilla, “I Meeting of Muslim Women of Spain”.
We would like to congratulate them on the great initiative and thank them for inviting Hajja Atika Jimenez, from the Seville Mosque Foundation, through whom the women and men of this community feel represented.
Hajja Atika will give her lecture on December 6, under the title: “Do women influence the Community?”. We would also like to emphasize the presence of Hajja Aisha Bewley, translator, together with her husband, Sheikh Abdel Haqq Bewley, of the Qur’an into English, and countless titles of renown and benefit to English-speaking Muslims.
His lecture is entitled “Aisha, r.a.”
The activities will take place in two spaces that characterise and visualise Islam in Granada: the Alquería de Rosales and the Great Mosque of Granada, as well as a visit to the Alhambra.
We wish all the success to the organizers, participants and collaborators.

To see the full program, registration and more information click here.

— The Al-Ihsan Islamic Community of Melilla has been developing the socio-educational project “I am a woman” since 2014.
Each year, we raise a topic of study, reflection and debate on the role of women, from the beginnings of Islam to the present day.
His experience and the very important work he has contributed to the construction of Islamic society are unquestionable.
Today’s Muslim women have conquered a delimited public space.
Traditional cultural customs; that they are not Islamic; the point of view of a part of non-Muslim society that focuses on their image and attitude, decide and condition their social inclusion in all areas of vital action.
She must be formed and be formed; it must be recognized and recognized, as well as accepted and integrated with the identities that define it, without sociocultural and religious codes being an obstacle to its contribution and interrelation with the society to which it belongs.
It is our commitment to know and master the instruments to say and decide, history is not told without us, we are the Other half. “I am a Woman 2017″. Muslims in a turbulent present. Rahma has a woman’s name” consists of a meeting of women active in different Islamic organizations in Spain.
For 4 days we will be in spaces that invite the analysis, rediscovery and reflection of the role of women at a time in history in which diversity and peace are in continuous upheaval.
Islam is Peace, it is integrated by human rights, without any doubt and entrusts us with how to work through education and attitude, to demonstrate and defend it.
The involvement of women is paramount and essential.
The First Meeting of Muslim Women of Spain organized by the Al-Ihsan Islamic Community will feature different presentations, workshops and talks that will take us from the beginnings of Islam to the current situation of Muslim women in particular and Muslims in general, in an increasingly diverse and complex society.
The activities will take place in two spaces that characterise and visualise Islam in Granada: the Alquería de Rosales and the Great Mosque, as well as a visit to the Alhambra, not only as a centre of tourist interest but also as one of the most important references of Islam in Spain.
Without forgetting that the Muslim woman of that time played a transcendental role in the history of the city, the most recognized: ‘Aisha al-Horra.
All this, bi idni Allah.