Otros Conocimiento

Confirmar la tradición profética con el ayuno de Ashura

Uno de los elementos más importantes para crear una identidad colectiva en un grupo humano es un relato común que narre el pasado para dar sentido al presente y proyectar un futuro. Compartir este relato, esta historia, es lo que crea la narrativa de ‘nosotros’; define de dónde venimos, quienes somos y hacia dónde vamos. Cuando el Profeta, que la …

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Islam, a ‘non-religion’ – 12th Islamic Festival of Mertola

May 19, 2023 Lecture by Sidi Karim Viudes, rahimullah, given by Hajj Khalid Nieto at the 12th Islamic Festival of Mertola. Sidi Karim Viudes, Rahimullah When we talk about “believers” and “non-believers”, what do we think should be believed or not believed in? When we speak of “secular culture” as opposed to “religious faith”, what “culture” and what “faith” do …

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‘We are only putting things right’

There is a fundamental flaw in the current worldview that dominates our intellects and actions and it causes our current situation, both at a human level and planetary one. This flaw is that we want -and pretend to- operate in the world as if we, the earth, and every living thing is cold, hard matter; obviating the unseen -and unmeasurable- …

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Du’a Násiri – The Du’a in the difficulty and in search of refuge in Allah against oppression (Arabic AUDIO and English Translation)

Du’a Násiri Shaykh Muhammad – Fatha – ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Husayn ibn Nasir ibn ‘Amr ad-Dar’i al-Aghlabi (d 1085 AH) “… It has been shown that this plea alleviates punishment and helps to overcome difficult situations, especially when they have to do with society and are related to issues that concern all Muslims. The people of …

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Ramadán: esencia y forma de la práctica del ayuno de los musulmanes

Charla pronunciada en la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo el 30 de mayo de 2019 – 25 de Ramadán de 1440, por Hafith Luqman Nieto, vicepresidente de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla. — As-salamu alaykum. La paz sea con vosotros. Cuando extendemos este saludo, estamos haciendo una súplica, un dua: que la paz y el contentamiento con la realidad sean con vosotros. …

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Cairo: the inconsiderate friend that you can’t help but love him, by Hafiz Luqman Nieto

Written by Hafith Luqman Nieto, communication & media manager of the Seville Mosque Foundation, from Cairo, where he has been perfectioning his arabic and tajwid for the past few months. This story is taken from his blog www.luqmannieto.com Originally published in English. Cairo: the inconsiderate friend that you can’t help but love him. Hafiz Luqman Nieto Cairo is a big, big city. It’s …

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