
Acta Notarial Mixta de Manifestaciones y Protocolización del Zakat

El 31 de mayo de 2024 la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla hizo un Acta Mixta de Manifestaciones y Protocolizacion ante notario, número mil seiscientos cuarenta y dos, para elevar a publico el informe anual del año 2023, así como los informes de años anteriores. Esto se hizo en base a un informe encargado a un bufete de abogados para la …

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Report of ´Zakat Seville´ 2021

By the grace and generosity of Allah, we are honored and overwhelmed by the responsibility and trust that is being bestowed upon us to distribute an increasing amount of Zakat year after year. The ´Zakat Sevilla´ initiative, started in 2019 with the intention of establishing the third pillar of Islam, it has been running for three years now and has …

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Informe de ´Zakat Sevilla´ 2023

A continuación el informe anual de recolección y distribución de Zakat a través de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla, para el año 2023. Es tremendo regalo el ser testigos de la grandeza, baraka, beneficio y justicia social que el establecimiento del Zakat, pilar del Islam, conlleva a través de su implementación activa. Estando en primera línea de su distribución entre …

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Pay Zakat

What kind of wealth does Zakat pay? The wealth on which Zakat is to be paid is: Personal wealth and assets (if they exceed the Nisab and are not for personal use, such as a house or jewelry); liquid assets or of which a profit is expected; agricultural products; won; treasures, mines, etc. In addition, there are three main conditions …

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Receive Zakat

Who can receive Zakat? The stipulated categories that Zakat can receive in the Qur’an are 8: (1) the needy, (2) the poor, (3) who work to collect and distribute it, (4) those whose hearts are tamed (close to Islam), (5) to rescue slaves, (6) for those overwhelmed by debts, (7) for those who strive in the cause of Allah, (8) …

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Zakat FAQ

How do I know if I have to pay zakat? The nisab, or minimum amount, is the equivalent of 85 grams of gold (20 gold dinars) or 595 grams of silver (200 silver dirhams) in the local currency (this would amount to 4.400€ in gold and 392€ in silver, to 10/08/2023). This minimum wealth must have been in possession for …

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Zakat Seville

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and an obligation, as well as prayer or fasting in Ramadan, for every Muslim who meets the requirements for it. In addition, Zakat is a right of those who receive it over the wealth of those who have to pay it. It is also a way of putting wealth in circulation in society …

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