Part of the moments of the salah corresponding to the month of rayab of the year 1446 h. The Jumua starts with the Khutba at 2:30 p.m. throughout the year. There are spaces for men and women for the Yumua as well as for all other activities.

This schedule has not been downloaded from any website, but is the result of the knowledge and work done by Yahia Garcia.
Not only does it give us – in a useful and consistent way – the times of prayer, at the same time it is indicating precisely the beginning and the end of the lunar months; always bearing in mind that according to the Sunna, the calendar is determined by the sighting of the crescent moon on the evening that closes on the 29th of each month.
To prevent atmospheric and astronomical limitations on the day of observation, the information is complemented by other observers and/or services in a given reference area: geographical proximity, affinity of the procedure and Sunna and quality of observation, among other factors.
To learn more about the rationale behind this calendar, click here.
Yahya Garcia obtained his PhD in Science (Mathematics) from the University of Granada; he works as a university mathematics professor, programmer and interpreter from Arabic to Spanish.
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