The Foundation

The Muslim community in Seville began in the seventies, when the first Spaniards became Muslims.
Since then, it has grown exponentially into one of the largest and most established Muslim communities in Spain.
Being one of the few to be able to boast of having 4 generations of native Spanish Muslims in their families.
Certainly the reference of Islam in this great city.
Today there are more than 30,000 Muslims in Seville.
Over the years the community has expanded with the unstoppable growth of families and the increase in the number of new Muslims.
It is also surrounded and supported by a large community of immigrants, from several generations, coming from Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, etc.
Over the years we have had different centers in the city, and we currently have one in the heart of Seville, Plaza Ponce de Leon, which has been open and full of activity for more than 15 years.
Since 2000 we started working on the project of building a mosque in Seville.
In 2014 we renewed the direction of the project, and we are currently working on the construction of an Islamic Cultural Center.
As we believe that it is not only a necessity for the growing Muslim population of Seville, but will be a great step in returning Islam to its rightful place.
To elevate, and bring Muslims and Islam out of the shantytowns and slums.
A place of expansion, a place of service to Muslims and non-Muslims, a place where people can see Islam for its reality and its light.
The Seville Mosque Foundation was created in 2005 as a legal tool, representing the Muslims of Seville and for the construction of the Mosque and Cultural Center.
Registered in the Ministry of Education and Culture, 651CUL.
The board of trustees of the Foundation is composed of key figures of the present and future of the Muslim community in Seville.
Among the specific purposes of the statutes of the Seville Mosque Foundation are: – To provide all Muslims, regardless of nationality, age, sex, race, or origin, a place of prayer and worship and to provide means and instruments for the fulfillment of religious practices and for the development of education, welfare and harmonious coexistence of the same.
– To render aid and cooperation to the youngest, the elderly, the weak and the handicapped who are in need regardless of their nationality, race or religious belief.
– To provide help to the Muslims of Spain, in particular, and to those of the rest of the world, in general, who are in need for reasons of age, weakness, disability, ignorance, poverty or economic and social circumstances.
– To promote in the Mosque and in the Cultural Center, the celebration of classes, conferences and seminars that will be open to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.