9th Islamic Festival of Mértola

The 9th Islamic Festival of Mértola, Portugal, will be held from May 18 to 21.
The festival, held every two years, will celebrate its 18th anniversary this year, an event that began inspired by the Almonaster Islamic Culture Days, where from its inception and until today, the Islamic Community in Spain and in particular the Muslim community of Seville has been involved in its development and organization.
The Muslim community, represented by the Mosque Foundation of Seville and the Islamic Community in Spain will be present in the Zoco with more than 30 stalls during the four days.
The adhan (call to prayer) will be given and the prayer will be established in a public and open place.
There will be a dhikr evening open to the public where dinner will be served for all attendees.
Two lectures on Islam will be given in the Noble Hall of the Municipal Chamber of Mértola and a book and gallery, the work of Hajj Khalid Nieto and Ahmed Ben Yessef, will be presented.

To download the program of the Islamic Community in Spain during the event click here.
To download the complete program of the Islamic Festival of Mértola click here.
For more information please visit: http://www.festivalislamicodemertola.com