25th Anniversary of the Ascension to the Throne of His Majesty King Mohammed VI

Last Tuesday, July 30, the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation hosted the celebration party for the 25th Anniversary of the Ascension to the Throne of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. The event, led by the Consul General of Morocco in Seville, Sidi Sidi Abbah, was an opportunity to highlight the close relationship of cooperation between Spain and Morocco, as well as the historical and cultural ties that unite both nations and their monarchs.

Among the authorities present, Patricia del Pozo, Minister of Culture and Sports of the Junta de Andalucia, and the Deputy Minister of Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, Tomás Burgos Gallego, as well as representatives of the Sevillian society, civil and religious authorities, and the Moroccan community gathered to commemorate this special occasion.

The event included musical entertainment by Iman Kandoussi, creating an atmosphere of union and celebration.

The Seville Mosque Foundation, honored to be invited to this important celebration, reaffirmed its close ties with the Kingdom of Morocco and its desire to further strengthen its relationship.