Celebration of the Day of Portugal, Camões and Portuguese Communities in Seville

On the occasion of the Day of Portugal, Camões and Portuguese Communities, which is celebrated on June 10, the headquarters of the Consulate of Portugal in Seville hosted yesterday the commemoration of this historic date.

The Consul General of Portugal in Seville, Cláudia Boesch, presided over the event, which brought together numerous personalities from civil, military and institutional society, and to which the president and vice-president of the Seville Mosque Foundation were invited.

During her speech, Consul Boesch highlighted the deep bond between Portugal and Andalusia, highlighting the value of cross-border cooperation that has been strengthened since the creation of the Andalusia-Portugal Business Council in 2013. This link, he said, is an example of the privileged and fruitful exchange between the two neighboring regions.

The Councilor for Development and Housing of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Rocío Díaz, closed the event by underlining the importance of the union between regions and institutions.

At the same time, the annual Gala was held, which each year recognizes the work of an Andalusian institution, to highlight its efforts and dedication to its relationship with Portugal, an award that was given this year to Caja Rural del Sur .

The event concluded with a concert of Fado and Alentejo roots music, both of which, like Flamenco, have been declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. This rich cultural manifestation offered a musical and emotional closure to the celebration.

To conclude, the attendees shared an agape in the gardens of the beautiful Consulate of Portugal, built for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929, fostering camaraderie and strengthening relations between the two countries.