SURA AN NASR / SURA OF VICTORY – Warsh Recitation – English Quran Translation

It descended in Mina during the Haŷŷ of the Farewell so that it is considered Medinan. It is the last of the Qur’an to descend. It has 3 verses and descended after the sura of at-Tauba (“The Retraction”).

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

(1) When Allah’s victory and conquest comes,

(2) And see the people enter in groups in the worship of Allah.

(3) Glorify your Lord with His praise and ask His forgiveness! He always accepts those who turn to Him.


Recitation by Hafith Bashir Castiñeira Gamo.

Translation by Abdelgani Melara Navío.

Riwayat Warsh An Nafia.