Summer School in Turkey for Muslim Girls

The first of these educational trips for young Muslim women in Turkey was carried out in 1998 and after a break of several years, we resumed them in 2022 and repeated the experience in 2023.

Our goal is to immerse our young women for a period of 2/3 weeks, in an experience of living together in an Islamic environment. To bring them closer to the history of Islam, especially that of the last Caliphate that held the Ummah together, and also to Turkey today, as a country that combines a large majority Muslim population and a great historical legacy, with a modern and vibrant society.

Classes have been given on the Ottoman Caliphate and the Republic of Turkey and we have coordinated them chronologically with the corresponding visits. We have used the classrooms of the residence where we were staying; a residence for high school students with magnificent facilities and a staff that has served us with the utmost generosity, kindness and courtesy.

We have also given classes in the magnificent courtyards and gardens of the Mosques, where we have looked closely at the history of their time, their builders and their promoters or patrons.

Living together for 3 weeks among the girls, and with the monitors, has been one of the important elements; we have emphasized courtesy, empathy and resilience to make the experience a joyful one for all of us. We have had enough time to immerse ourselves in the place, meet the people, visit the places of interest and establish a relationship among the participants.

Each of the trips has had unexpected gifts, far beyond our expectations, that have made us be in constant gratitude to our Lord and return strengthened in our Magnet.

We pray to Allah that the seed that has been planted in the hearts of these girls will flourish and with the passage of time will continue to bear fruit.

And we ask Allah to allow us to give continuity to this project in His path and to give us expansion and success.

Alhamdulillah wa Shukrulillah.