Resumption of Qur’an and Arabic classes for children

We want, with the help of Allah, to start one more year with Quran, reading and Arabic classes for children between 6 and 14 years old. The classes will be taught by Jadiya Temsamani and Walada Touriño. They will take place on Wednesdays from 17.30h to 19:00h at the Seville Mosque Foundation, starting next Wednesday, November 2.

Classes are free of charge. A registration form with student and parent information will be requested on the first day of class, please come a little early for registration on the first day.

We ask that parents please be and make their children aware that this is not just another extracurricular activity. Convey to each of our children the importance of these classes so that they come prepared, aware and focused. The adab with the teachers, among the students and with the mosque is essential.

It is also important that class attendance is not interrupted except by force majeure and that parents collaborate in reviewing homework with their children before the next class, so that individual and collective progress can be made.

This year classes will not start with a snack, so please bring snacks from home. Students will also need to bring a checkered notebook, pencil and eraser.

For any questions please come to the class and talk to the teachers or call the mosque at 954022979.