Distribution of lambs, Eid Al Adha

On the occasion of Eid al Adha, the Seville Mosque Foundation has had the honor of distributing packages of lamb from the sacrifices of this holiday to needy families in Seville.

Generosity is an essential part of Islam and one of the signs of those who have a heart of gratitude to Allah. The Messenger, peace be upon him said, in a Hadith transmitted by Abu Hurairah:

Generosity is close to Allah, close to Paradise, close to people and far from Hell. Greed is far from Allah, far from Paradise, far from people and close to Hellfire. A generous and ignorant person is more beloved to Allah, Exalted is He, than a mean scholar. (Tirmidhi)

Part of being grateful to Allah is to be grateful to people, as the Prophet also reminded us in a Hadith (Ahmad, Tirmdhi), so we want to show our appreciation to the Tirmidhi Foundation, who has donated the lambs, as well as to all the people who have made this possible.

We would also like to thank the halal certified slaughterhouse for their service and facilitation of all logistics.