Quran Recitation and Translation Videos

In this section we will present a series of videos of Quran recitation with its translation into Spanish. The Qari (reciter) is Hafid Bashir Castiñeira, a young Spaniard who studied and memorized the complete Qur’an in Morocco following traditional teachings. The recitation and the Arabic text are in Warsh an Nafi’, one of the seven methods of recitation and writing of the Qur’an and the one used in North African countries. The translation of the verses recited in these videos corresponds to that of Ustad Abdel Ghani Melara.

These videos show the literal translation of the Koran. For a more correct and deeper understanding, it is recommended to refer to its annotated translation which contains explanations and clarifications about the verses.

The videos are all on our YouTube.com/mezquitasevilla channel .