Ibrahim and the idols, Editorial Lauh

We are proud to recommend the latest book written by our dear Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo for the little ones; ‘Ibrahim and the idols’, from Lauh Publishing House.

The story of the prophet Ibrahim is long and wonderful, as well as full of teachings and wisdom. In this book we focus on the early years of his life, when, as a young man, he had to face his family and his people with great intelligence and courage. “Ibrahim and the Idols” is the story of how a young man with trust in Allah was able to change things forever.

You can buy it on the web: www.lauheditorial.com

Lauh Publishing House

Editorial Lauh was born as a tool at the service of the Spanish-speaking Muslim community as well as a gateway to knowledge of Islam and Muslims, contributing its grain of sand by selling books on Islam in Spanish.

The enormous Muslim legacy and access to the authoritative sources of the teaching of Islam has become a necessity that has an impact on a correct transmission and therefore on a proper behavior of the fundamental values that every human being must defend.