Can we pray Salat al-Eid at home?

Due to the exceptional situation we are experiencing because of the covid19 epidemic and the restrictions imposed on movement and congregation by the state of alarm, many of us are wondering what happens to the Eid Salat and whether it can be done individually.

Let’s try to make a clear and concise guide to have clarity on the matter, insha Allah.

First; What is the legal status of Salat Al-Eid?
– Sunnah Mu’akkadah.

For whom is sunnah mu’akkada?
– For those for whom Al Jumu’ah is mandatory.

Where to pray it?
– In an open field or in the mosque.

If it is not possible … Can we pray Salat al Eid at home?
– Yes!

The evidence for that is what Anas ibn Mālik (may Allah be pleased with him) used to do. If he missed the ‘Eid prayer, he would gather his family and his children, and his freed slave’ Abdullāh ibn Abī ‘Utbah would act as Imam of the two rak’ahs, saying the takbeerāt, of the prayer and the takbeerāt of the people of The City (the usual form of Eid).
(Narrated by Bukhari, commenting).

Is it necessary to have a khutba?
– No need for khutba.

Is it possible to pray in Jama’ah?
– It can be prayed individually, as a family or in a group.

What is the time to pray it?
– Starting from after shuruq (sunrise) until shortly before duhur.

  • The Eid al Fitr prayer, has two raka’at, but is different from the daily prayers in its performance:
  • No adhan or ikama is done.
  • Pronounce the takbir of entry into prayer (“Al-lahu Akbar”).
  • Repeat “Al-lahu akbar” six times without raising your hands.
  • Recite Al Fatiha, the opening sura of the Qur’an, followed by a second sura of your choice. (Loud voice)
  • Continue to perform the usual steps of a prayer.
  • When rising from prostration pronounce the takbir.
  • Repeat “Al-lahu akbar” five times again without having to raise your hands.
  • Recite Al Fatiha, the opening sura of the Qur’an, followed by a second sura of your choice, different from the one recited in the first cycle. Then continue to perform the usual steps of a prayer. (Loud voice).

According to the consensus of the ulema of the Maliki fiqh it is permissible and in accordance with the Sunnah to observe this prayer in homes for those who cannot perform it on time in a Musal-la or in the mosque, or who have been prevented from doing so in these two places for social reasons under certain conditions, as is the case in the present delicate circumstances.
One should remember the Sunnah of taking a ghusul, dressing in the best clothes and perfuming oneself. Eat something before prayer and recite takbir.

May Allah accept our Ramadan fasting and night prayers. Amin