Tafsir Class, July 21 – Aleyas 256-257, Sura al Baqara

Tafsir (commentary) class and teachings of the Quran, Ustad Abdelgani Melara. Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Aleyas 256-257, Sura al Baqara.

There is no compulsion in the practice of Worship, for it has become clear which is the right direction and which is the waywardness.
Whoever denies the idols and believes in Allah, will have clung to the surest thing one can cling to, that in which no fissure can fit. And Allah is Hearer and Knower.

Allah is the Friend of those who believe; He brings them out of darkness into light. But the disbelievers have as their friends the taguts who lead them out of the light into darkness; those are the companions of the Fire where they will be immortal.

Sura al Baqara, 256/257

The classes are held at the Seville Mosque Foundation on Tuesdays at 8.30 pm and broadcast live on this channel.