Press Release: Terrorist Attacks

The Seville Mosque Foundation expresses its deepest rejection to the violent attacks, atrocities and despicable acts that have been happening in recent weeks, each and every one of them.

For the four people who died last night in Vienna, the twenty-two students in Kabul, the three parishioners in Nice, the two women stabbed in Paris and the teacher also killed in Paris and all those injured and affected. Our condolences to the families and loved ones.

We have always expressed, and reiterate, the feeling of revulsion at such crimes and in particular those unjustifiably perpetuated in the name of Islam and Muslims.

At the same time we want to show our full support to the governments and security forces of the States, and all those who fight against this nihilistic, atrocious and anti-Islamic phenomenon.

We hope in turn that the authorities with a voice and responsibility, wherever they are, will use it to create harmony among fellow citizens in their countries and among nations. And that the victims are respected and not used by any side for political purposes.

We Muslims are an indispensable part of the society that openly and energetically fights against terrorism, since it is mostly Muslims who suffer and endure these atrocities and their consequences on a daily basis, throughout the world.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020