Visit of the Mosque Foundation of Seville with Oumar Kanouté to the Ministry of the Awqaf of Kuwait

Oumar Kanouté, in his efforts to assist the Seville Mosque Foundation’s project to build an Islamic mosque and cultural centre, has invited the Seville Mosque Foundation to accompany him on a charity trip to Kuwait.
During the trip, Kanouté, together with Amin, his representative and Abu Qasim Molinero, secretary of the Seville Mosque Foundation, had a meeting with the Ministry of the Awqaf in which they were presented with the project.
The Ministry of Awqaf has studied the project, which they liked very much, and they have said that they will study the possible form of help.
This meeting is part of a series of events to which Kanouté has been invited and in which numerous charitable institutions and personalities from Kuwait have participated.
Abu Qasim Molinero has accompanied Oumar Kanouté to these events representing the Mosque Foundation of Seville.
We greatly appreciate Kanouté’s invitation to accompany him on this trip and for his involvement in the project, as well as the reception of the Ministry of the Awqaf of Kuwait and their interest in this project that we hope will soon see its fruits, God willing.