‘Cultural exchange between Spain and Indonesia’

Yesterday, March 21, the forum ‘Cultural exchange between Spain and Indonesia’ took place.
The goal of this event was to strengthen cultural relations between these two countries and explore the forms of coexistence between different cultures and religions, both present and historical.
The event was made up of several dialogue tables, in which intellectuals and activists from both countries participated, a concert where traditional Indonesian music was fused with flamenco and a dinner.
We would like to thank the participation of Mr. Amos García Hueso, Director General of the Junta de Andalucía for the Andalusian communities residing abroad; Ms. Ana María de Lara, head of external relations of the Seville City Council; the general director of the Three Cultures Foundation, Mr. Manuel Cervera, as well as his entire team, with whom it has been a pleasure to work for the organization of this event during the last months; His Excellency the Ambassador of Indonesia, Pak Hermono and all the embassy staff; the special envoy of the President of Indonesia, Syafiq Mugni; Pak Najmuddin Ramli, Director of the Ministry of Culture and Education of Indonesia; as well as all the people who participated in the different tables, Miriam Romero, director of the Halal Institute, an entity that has also collaborated in the organization of the event and Don Luís Ferreiro, representative of the Archbishopric of Seville.
We also want to thank all the people who have made this event happen, without them it would not have been possible to organize it and all those who have attended.
The forum has been a success and we hope that it has helped to show that we have a lot to learn from cultures as different from each other, such as Indonesian and Spanish, and that, despite the differences, there are more things that do not unite than those that separate us; and we hope that it will be a further step in a lasting and beneficial relationship between these two countries.