20th anniversary of the accession to the throne of King Mohammed VI, Seville

Yesterday the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation celebrated the throne party commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the ascension to the throne of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

Representatives of Sevillian society, civil and religious authorities and the Moroccan community gathered to commemorate this special occasion that coincides with the 20th anniversary of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation.

The event was attended by Josep Enric Millo, Secretary General of Foreign Action of the Junta de Andalucía and Juan Carlos Cabrera, Deputy Mayor Delegate of the Area of Governance and Major Festivals, among many other authorities and diplomats.
The Consul, Farid Aoulouhaj, addressed a few words, especially relevant given his farewell to Seville, in which he emphasised the close relationship of cooperation between Spain and Morocco and the historical and cultural ties that unite both shores and their monarchs.
In the great work done in recent years and the work of the Three Cultures Foundation.
He ended by thanking Seville for its welcome in recent years. The event featured musical entertainment by Hamid Ajbar, and canapés of typical Spanish and Moroccan cuisine were tasted. It is an honour for the Seville Mosque Foundation to have been invited once again to this important celebration of the Kingdom of Morocco, with which we have close ties that we hope will continue to be strengthened.

Our best wishes to our brother, Mr. S.
Farid Aoulouhaj, in his new role as deputy to the Ambassador of Morocco in Madrid and our most sincere thanks for everything in recent years.