Indonesia’s presence at the XVIII Conference on Islamic Culture in Almonaster

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mrs. HE Ibu Yuli Mpuni, Ambassador of Indonesia in Spain, and to the delegation of 10 people who have accompanied her to represent Indonesia in these Days of Islamic Culture.
It has been an unprecedented success, adding color, joy and expansion of our vision of Islamic culture, beyond what is known by geographical proximity or usual clichés.
Thus, everyone present can glimpse the breadth and diversity of what we call Islamic Culture.
Their participation, which with their mere presence was already more than enough, has been accentuated by their colorful dances and stalls crafts and gastronomy of the place, during the three days.
It is clear that the delegates of Indonesia have not only been excellent ambassadors of their country but also of what Islam represents.
Our thanks also go to His Excellency.
Almonaster City Council, its Mayor, councilors and people, who once again have welcomed us with open arms and have made these excellent Days possible in our beloved Almonaster.