Statement from the Islamic Community in Spain – 14/11/2015

The Islamic Community in Spain echoes the pain and expresses great sorrow for last Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris.
We wish to convey our sincere condolences to the families of the deceased and our wish for a speedy recovery to the injured.
Once again, an act of terrorism is being committed in the name of Islam and the Muslim community is being called into question.
Both these acts and the indiscriminate attacks in various countries of the world are rejected without any doubt by Muslims, defining them as criminal actions.
In no case are these aberrant terrorist actions attributable to any teaching of Islam and we expect from the sovereign state of France a rigorous investigation in order to clarify the facts in detail.
I ask Allah to make the truth prevail, Ammeen.
Malik A. Ruiz President NOV2015 RELEASE COPY