Jalid Nieto, responsable de comunicación de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla con participantes en el proyecto "Sensibilización y fomento de la Convivencia Intercultural"

Project “Awareness and promotion of Intercultural Coexistence”

A workshop was held at the headquarters of the Bellavista Neighborhood Association Unit under the title: ‘Women and immigration’.
This workshop is part of a larger project that is being published for the second time.
On this occasion our communication director, Khalid Nieto, is participating with the organization as a member of the entity and as an advisor to the “As-Shifa” Association of Muslims of Bellavista.
The workshop brought together about 25 people who analyzed and shared very rich experiences in this field, all of them people who are active in the dissemination of these values.
The most interesting thing was the mix of nationalities that came together.
We had the presence of Isidra Gil, who is responsible for migration of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations.
We also highlight the work of the president of the “Unity” Association, Mr.
Antonio Andrades who is also Vice President of the Neighborhood Federation.