Cultural trip of young people to Turkey

The Al Andalus Educational Foundation has just concluded a trip to Turkey with a group of young people between thirteen and sixteen years old.
The young people, among whom a majority were from Spain, but there were also from other countries such as South Africa and England, were accompanied by three monitors.

The trip, organised by the Al Andalus Educational Foundation in collaboration with the Seville Mosque Foundation, followed a proposal to Shayj Osman Nuri Topbas during a visit by the Seville Mosque Foundation to Istanbul in December 2017.
In this way, the aim was to continue with an initiative that had been maintained for years by the Islamic Community in Spain and that had been stopped for some years, but which had given excellent results when it came to promoting Muslim identity in the various groups of boys and girls that they were.

During the trip, the young people had the opportunity to get to know the beautiful and historically rich city of Istanbul, capital of what was the Ottoman Empire and one of the places where a Muslim society shone with splendor.
There has also been room for learning through classes on the character qualities and behaviour of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and other aspects of the Deen, as well as the practice of sports activities such as archery, swimming and football.

It has been a trip where young people have had the opportunity to get to know Turkey and its rich history, since they have also visited the city of Bursa, develop in a practical way, through study and coexistence, the noble qualities of character and enjoy the company of their fellow travelers through various activities.

From the Mosque Foundation of Seville we would like to thank the Al Andalus Educational Foundation for making this trip a reality, as well as Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbas and Aziz Mahmud Hudayi Vakfi, who through their hospitality and generosity have made this trip possible, and all the individuals who have helped, in any case, to be carried out.