8 Islamic Festival of Mértola

The Islamic Festival of Mértola, Portugal, will take place between May 21st and 24th. Once again, the Seville Mosque Foundation will once again be present in several of the activities of the event, as it has been doing since its first celebration, in 2001. During these days the call to prayer will be heard again in the town, prayers will be made in the square in front of the Church, two conferences will be given, an evening of dhikr and dinner will be held, to which everyone is invited and the Muslims will occupy ‘the souk’, where you can find all kinds of handicrafts and food. An event where it is intended to make Islam known, by Muslims, from the coexistence of day to day in a festive environment. The evening of Dhikr, of the Tariqa Qadiri, Shadhili, Dharqawi, to which everyone is invited, will be on Friday 22 in Maghrib, 8.30 p.m. Afterwards, a dinner will be served to which all attendees will be invited. On Friday 22nd at 5.30pm, Hajj Khalid Nieto will give a lecture entitled, “News from Judge Mohammed bien Bashir de Beja. Cadi de Córdoba. ̈ In the Noble Hall of the Municipal Chamber Mértola. On Saturday 23 at 5:30 p.m., Dr. Abdelnur Segura will give a lecture in the Noble Hall of the Municipal Chamber of Mértola, entitled, “The medical-Muslim paradigm in times of crisis”. For more information about the event and to see the full program of activities, visit: www.festivalislamicodemertola.com

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