Visit of the Mosque Foundation of Seville to the Mosque of Isla Chica, Huelva

At the express invitation of Hajj Abdelghani Melara, Iman Khatib of our Foundation, to instruct the members of this new community, several members of the Foundation traveled to share the afternoon of Sunday, March 25, with the attendees of the speech that Hajj Abdelghani offered.
The topics covered covered a wide range of knowledge.
Where he urged them to be proud of Morocco’s tradition.
A country that he defined as the land of the Ansar of the descendants of the messenger’s family, Saws.
Delving deeper into defining the salient aspects of the Din sciences in this tradition.

He also urged them to stay active in dawa.
For the message of Islam is for all humanity.
He made several tafsirs on the verses that call for remembering truth and patience.
When he spoke of his early years as a Muslim, there was a silence of great emotion, as he expressed that, for him, after 40 years as a Muslim, he remembers those early years as having inhaled the aroma of the Garden.
Quoting the verses in which Allah, subhana wa ta ala, says that He has bought our lives and riches.
I call to be active in society and to understand this world as something that serves to achieve the afterlife.
The terrain of actions.
Dunia is the mount for the Ajira.
He concluded by asking for blessings for the messengers and making duas to Allah for all those present.
After concluding his exhortation, the translation of the Generous Qur’an that he himself has translated from Arabic was presented, and he clarified that this edition, sponsored by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Turkey, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı and Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı, had as a characteristic an adaptation to the Hafs recitation that is usual in this country.
These copies of the Koran were delivered to the directors present and we received the visit of other Muslim associations in the city.
They made vows to visit each other again and to help each other.
The travelers were invited to dine with a group of community members with the generosity of our Muslim brothers.