From the Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla we want to express all our support to the ́Asociación APPICA ́ (Portal Progressive Inmigrantes Cultura Africana), which, in collaboration with the Sierra Leonese in Spain and ́Africa con Voz Propia ́, on Friday, September 22 will hold a campaign to raise awareness and help the survivors in Freetown, Sierra Leone, due to the recent natural disaster and its consequences.
The event will be at 12 noon at the Las Sirenas Civic Center, Alameda de Hércules, Seville.
— Information for the media. Humanitarian catastrophe in Free Twon , capital of Sierra Leone: Flood and mudslides, in the Regent neighborhood and banks of the Lumley River on 14/08/2017. Natural disasters, as their name suggests, are natural events, but almost always caused by human action.
For this reason, from the APPICA Association; (Progressive Portal of African Culture Immigrants) together with the Sierra Leonese and the African diaspora residing in Spain express our deep feeling of pain for the loss of human lives in Sierra Leone.
Specifically on the night of 14/08/2017 due to heavy rains in the area of the source of the river (LUMLEY), in the neighborhood of Regent
, there was a flood and with it the landslide that led to an avalanche of mud. That led to the loss, yet to be specified, of more than 1,200 human lives, including 250 children, and there are still approximately 450 people missing. In addition to the loss of human life, there is panic and fear among the inhabitants about what happened, as well as the possible repetition of landslides and floods. These facts have gone unnoticed in Spain, due, among others, to the lack of information in the media, and we want to note our desire to raise awareness of the problem and make an appeal for solidarity. This means that the black African diaspora residing in Spain is not oblivious to what happened in Sierra Leone or in other black African countries due, among other reasons, to the family, economic and social ties that we maintain there and we want to involve those who are sensitive to the loss of human lives. The lack of attention in urban planning, the poor quality of housing and the lack of an early weather warning, as well as the presumed action on the forests in the area and shortcomings in rescue and civil protection services, have turned a natural event into a very costly catastrophe for the lives of the residents. The new challenge is survival, in which the children who have been born since the incident are already striving, for which the necessary external help is essential and necessary. Our association is committed to coordinating with a local action for the delivery of the aid obtained. We are open to the collaboration of volunteers and related entities. We request collaboration through donations of clothing, toys, non-perishable food, any support you deem appropriate in circumstances of loss of human lives, houses, source of economic income, among others. To contact the mail;