Presentación del Observatorio de la Islamofobia en la Fundación Tres Culturas

Presentation of the Islamophobia Observatory at the Three Cultures Foundation

The Al Fanar Foundation, responsible for the Islamophobia Observatory, presented this project at the Three Cultures Foundation, in Seville, to a large group of associations and interested people.
Among these were the Anti-Rumour Network, the Movement Against Intolerance, several researchers and the Seville Mosque Foundation, among others.
Pedro Rojo, president of the Al Fanar Foundation, presented the work carried out by the Islamophobia Observatory during the last year in which six media outlets were analysed in order to draw conclusions and data on the level of Islamophobia in these media according to a rigorous methodology.
The conclusions are quite worrying, since there is talk of an average of 65% of Islamophobic news, reaching, in some media, up to 90%.
The objective of the Observatory of Islamophobia is, once these conclusions have been drawn about the level of Islamophobia in the media, to implement actions that lead to reducing this percentage.
To a large extent, this high percentage, as Pedro Rojo said, is due to ignorance and lack of attention and is not necessarily intentional.
That is why the work carried out by this entity with the means to provide them with everything they need to tackle this situation is so important.
There is also a percentage of these Islamophobic articles that are intentional, most of them when they are opinion articles, against which an action of teaching and dissemination is not enough.
Faced with these opinions, the best antidote is for the Muslims of Spain, as it is the place where this work has taken place, but it would be applicable to many other places, to be proactive in building a different and positive discourse by being involved and committed to social and cultural progress.
The meeting, whose main objective was to open a dialogue with different associations and people, was very positive in terms of the different contributions of those present that we hope will be useful for the continuity of this work.
From Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla we would like to thank both Fundación Tres Culturas for the invitation to participate in this meeting and Fundación Al Fanar for carrying out this important project.