Class of the Tafsir of the Qur’an – Surah of the Covenants, 21. (Audio)

Tafsir class (commentary and explanation of the Qur’an), given by Imam Hajj Abdel Gani Melara, in which he explains the tafsir, based on several of the well-known commentators, of the following Qur’anic ayat:

Really in the Messenger you have a beautiful example for one who has hope in Allah and in the Last Day and remembers Allah a lot. Surah of the Allies, 21.

Classes are open, every Monday between the Maghrib and Ishań salats.
It is a unique opportunity that we have in Seville to be able to benefit from these classes of Hajj Abdel Gani, to whom we are tremendously grateful for his service and dedication.
— Hajj Abdel Gani’s first major project was to undertake the translation of the Qur’an into the Spanish language, which was a process of almost twenty years in which other Spanish Muslims collaborated and in which he studied the traditional tafsirs and sought an expression in the Spanish language that was appropriate for the people of this time.
This translation has been published several times.
One of them by the Mujamma’ al-Malik Fahd li Ṭiba’a al-Muṣḥaf ash-Sharif of Medina al-Munawwara, being required by such a body due to the prestige he already enjoyed among Spanish speakers.
And another by the Turkish Ministry of Religious Affairs of Turkey, among several other editions no less careful and important.
He has also translated such important texts as: Mukhtaṣar al-Bukhari, al-Muwwaṭṭa of Imam Malik, ash-Shifa and Qawa’id al-Islam, both of the qaḍi ‘Iyaḍ, the diwan of the shaikh Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥabib and Tanbih al-Ghafilin of as-Samarqandi.