Yunus and the whale, Editorial Lauh

We are excited to announce the latest book written by our esteemed Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo for our beloved children; ‘Yunus and the whale’, by Lauh Publishing House.

The story of Prophet Yunus is an extraordinary account full of lessons about perseverance, faith, and the importance of compassion. In this book, we delve into Yunus’ experiences as he faced challenges and learned valuable lessons along his journey. “Yunus and the Whale” emphasizes the power of prayer, trust in Allah, and the importance of mercy towards all of Allah’s creations.

Copies will be available to children attending the Quran class at the mosque, ensuring they can engage with this inspiring story. Our most sincere thanks to the benefactor who has made it possible for these books to reach so many children free of charge.

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Lauh Publishing House

Lauh Publishing House was established as a resource for the Spanish-speaking Muslim community, providing a gateway to knowledge of Islam and Muslims. Our goal is to contribute to the spread of Islamic teachings by offering books in Spanish.

The rich Muslim heritage and access to authoritative sources of Islamic teachings are essential to ensure the correct transmission of the values that promote good behavior and the fundamental ethics that each person must uphold.