Activities & Events

XIII anniversary of the Granada Mosque

Program: Friday, July 22nd 11:30 Opening. By Emir Malik Ruiz 12:00 Coffee 12:30 Conference. “The role of Tasawuf as Protector of the Society Against Extremism”. By Shaykh Ali Laraki 14:30 Salat al Jumu’a and lunch 19:00 Feast of the Mosque in the garden Saturday, July 23rd 11:00 Conference. “The role of the Amir of the Faithful people in Morocco, establishing …

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Congreso Internacional Islámico de Hispanohablantes Al-Andalusía (CIIHA)

Al-Andalusia, con la colaboración de cientos de personas y organizaciones en torno al mundo hispanohablante musulmán, ha organizado el I Congreso Internacional Islámico de Hispanohablantes Al-Andalusia (CIIHA). Un congreso que se llevará a cabo con el objetivo de crear una red, un tejido que una los 23 países participantes, que promueva la espiritualidad, el buen carácter y comportamiento, que nutra el …

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ISIS against Islam – El Pais (newspaper)

One of the most revealing data on jihadism-and often unobserved- usually happens that the largest number of fatalities caused by their attacks are Muslim people. The celebration of Ramadan this year is a good example of how the Islamic State is primed with those countries and people who consider they have departed from their fanatical and exclusive worldview. In Turkey, …

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Programa de clases online, Ramadan 2020

Debido al Estado de Alarma, y el hecho de que la mezquita permanecerá cerrada y que durante este mes de Ramadan no se podrán realizar las actividades habituales, hemos preparado una serie de clases todos los días, excepto los sábados, online, que serán impartidas por Hayy Abdelgani Melara, Imam de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla y Shaij Ahmed Bermejo, de …

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Eid al Fitr, Wednesday 6th of july, Seville

The Eid al-Fitr prayer will be celebrated on WEDNESDAY the 6th, at Alamillo Park. The dhikr will begin at 9am; the Salat will be at 9:15 am. Remember that the Zakat al Fitr must be delivered before the Eid prayer. According to the Maliki fiqh, must be given a sa’a (*) per person, of some basic food, nonperishable. It can …

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Meeting with H.E. José Miguel Corvinos Lafuente, ambassador of Spain in Malaysia.

Last week, a delegation from theSeville Mosque Foundation composed by Hafith Bashir Castiñeira, ambassador of the Foundation in Malaysia and Muhsin Sierra, director of public relations of the Foundation had the honor of being a recipient for H.E. José Miguel Corvinos Lafuente, ambassador of Spain in Malaysia. Various business projects between Spain and Malaysia were discussed at that meeting and …

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Meeting with Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said, Kuala Lumpur

During the visit of Shaikh Faid Mohammed Said in May to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation had the honor to attend one of the many lectures, classes and meetings organized by ‘Crescent Collective’. Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said is one of the most prominent Islamic scholar based in the United Kingdom whose efforts include teaching and community …

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