Ashura Day Celebration

On Monday, August 8 at 7 pm there will be an Ashura Day celebration for children at the mosque. Where there will be:

  • Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo’s talk about the day of Ashura.
  • Games (Islamic trivia).
  • Snack.

Sweets and cakes can be brought for the snack. It will end a little before magrib.

Iftar and harira will be served for adults who are fasting.

Ashura Day is a holiday among Muslims celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Muharram, the first day of the Islamic lunar calendar. The root of the word Ashura has the meaning of tenth in Semitic languages; hence the name of the memorial, literally translated, means “the tenth day”.

A day when Allah saved a whole people from the bondage of a tyrant and oppressor; a day when Allah delivered one of His Messengers from the darkness of the night, the darkness of the sea animal and the darkness of the sea; a day when the rain ceased and the ark sailing the seas, loaded with animals and sincere believers touched land and they were able to descend after a long voyage; A day when Allah made fire cold and harmless to one of His Prophets; a day when Allah accepted the repentance of one of His Prophets who had eaten from a tree which Allah had forbidden him; on that day Allah gave back to one of His Prophets, for having remained patient, persevering and grateful, his children, his health and his wealth which had been taken away from him. Indeed, that day on which these events occurred and others that we have not mentioned, is the tenth day of the month in which we find ourselves: the day of Ashurah.

For all these reasons, we find that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, honored that day and fasted on it, since he, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was the closest and had more right than anyone else to the remembrance of all the Prophets and of Musa, peace be upon them all. The Prophets, peace be upon them, are all brothers and their practice of worshipping Allah is one. For this reason, it is a condition of correct and wholesome Imamate (belief) to believe in all the Prophets. Whoever rejects the mission or the message of any of the Prophets, upon them peace be upon them, it is as if he has rejected all of them.

Said the Messenger, sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam: “We, the Prophets, are sons of different mothers, but our Din (practice of worship) is one.”