Social perception paints a dystopian reality in which Muslims become a demographic threat Europe has many problems, but Islam is not one of them. The temptation to deny the seal of European authenticity to broad layers of its population that make this religion a first sign of identity is. It is also important to relegate to social and economic marginality …
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Lack of reflection
At a time when we are encouraged to respond impulsively to any situation, reflection has become a revolutionary act. Acting impulsively means that we respond to a stimulus, whether internal or external, without our response having been reflected. Therefore, impulse and reflection are incompatible. This does not mean that the impulsive response is always wrong, nor that through reflection we …
Read More »Courtesy at Home
Politeness properly understood, such as respect – spiritual not formal – and proper treatment – sincere not apparent – that is due to all beings and creatures around us, is one of the main obligations of every Muslim and should be of every human being. One of our sages when asked what the way was used to answer, “Love of …
Read More »Letter from Malcolm X from Mecca
Malcolm X or Al-Hajj Malik Ash-Shabazz, saw the light of true Islam through his pilgrimage in April 1964. As a member, until then, and spokesperson of the organization “The Nation of Islam”, a nationalist socio-political religious movement with racist tendencies. Malcolm firmly believed that the white man was diabolical and the black man should be his enemy. After leaving the …
Read More »Interview with Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi
This interview with Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi was part of the research carried out for a doctoral thesis whose title is: “Sufi epistemology meets modernity in the tariqa of the Sufi master Abdalqadir as-Sufi”. The interview is being released for the benefit of the Fuqara and all those who want to learn about Islam and Sufism. Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir has …
Read More »Ibn Abbad of Ronda
IBN ABBAD OF RONDA A light in the Islam of Morocco. (1330 -1390) “Ibn Abbad umma wahdahu”. His teacher, Ibn Ashir de Salé, also from Jimena de la Frontera, pronounced these words about him: Ibn Abbad is the community alone, and with this he anticipated the future meaning that his disciple would have. All of Fez was shocked. As the …
Read More »Notes and suggestions (IV): The Zakat
Zakat is the fallen pillar of Islam. Although a house can stand on four pillars, it can never reach the height for which it was conceived if its planning has not been carried out to its full extent. This is the real problem of our time. As it is a pillar that has long since fallen, and that none of …
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