Celebration of the II Meeting Living Together between Cultures, Bellavista, Seville

Among the events included in the project: Awareness and Promotion of Intercultural Conviction, organized by the A.VV.
Unity, the II Meeting Living Between Cultures took place yesterday, Saturday, in which the Mosque Foundation of Seville collaborated and participated.
Our congratulations and thanks to the ́Asociación de Vecinos ̈Unidad ̈ de Bellavista ́ for this second edition, for the great participation and diversity of activities.
An event of coexistence of coexistence, respect and integration. Our thanks for their words to Mr. José Manuel Cervera (Fundación Tres Culturas), Mr. Manuel Vicente Sánchez (Sevilla ACOGE), Mr. Antonio María Godoy (Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart), Mr. Mohamed Dar (Representative of the Muslim community of Bellavista), Mr. Rafael Carmona (Director of CEIP Lora Tamayo).

To the artists Iman Kandoussi, Sifiro Kouyate and Academia No Camines, Baila, for their performances. And of course to the residents of Bellavista for their assistance and example of active coexistence!