For years we have received groups of students from the University of Seville and Pablo de Olavide, as well as from other university schools.
One of them was a group of engineers who won the interior design competition for the Mecca-Medina high-speed train in Saudi Arabia.
We advise them on the uses and customs in the country, especially at the time of the Pilgrimage.
Likewise, students of Information Sciences in successive years and others of Sociology of the Pablo de Olavide University.
We attended to this group of sociologists in a project in the second year of the degree.
Obtaining an excellent result in their work.
Now, as a final degree project, Álvaro Villén, a member of that group, has asked us to collaborate for his study on “sociology of death”.
For this reason, he visited us at the headquarters of the Foundation, where he had an interesting meeting with Dr. Fawas, who was his family doctor when he lived in the Alcosa Park.
After filling out some questionnaires necessary for his research, Álvaro accompanied us until noon in an interesting conversation on the topic of his thesis and in other complementary ones.
Being especially attended by the person who monitored his health in the first years.
One of the latest collaborations has been with Sophia Carson of the University of St. Louis.
Thomas, from Minnesota.
That he has edited an article about the community that makes up the Mezquita de Sevilla Foundation in the magazine “más+menos”.
Spring 2017 edition.
It has always been a pleasure for the Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla to be able to collaborate with students and once again we reiterate our open-door policy to receive and collaborate within our possibilities with whoever wants and needs it.