Communiqué regarding the letter addressed to His Majesty Felipe VI by “Mezquita Ishbilia”.

Due to the fact that there are media that have confused the Seville Mosque Foundation and the entity ‘Mosque Ishbilia’, the countless messages we have received in social networks and that have appeared images of the center of the Seville Mosque Foundation confused with the center of ‘Mosque Ishbilia’, we have considered necessary to publish this statement: Seville Mosque Foundation feels alien and does not participate or share the contents expressed by Mr. Juan Pedro Sarasua Hélices, Jihad, in his pretentious and anachronistic missive addressed to His Majesty Felipe VI, King of Spain, who has all the respect and consideration as head of state, Jihad, in his pretentious and anachronistic missive addressed to His Majesty Felipe VI, King of Spain.
Juan Pedro Sarasua Hélices, Jihad, in his pretentious and anachronistic missive addressed to His Majesty Felipe VI, King of Spain, who has all the respect and consideration as head of state by the Seville Mosque Foundation.
The Seville Mosque Foundation does not have nor has had any relationship with the entity ‘Mosque Ishiblia’ and its representative, Jihad Sarasua, nor do we subscribe in any way to the demand that the latter makes in that letter.
Jihad Sarasua does not represent the Muslims of Seville nor their feelings towards this beautiful city and its citizens, who are all of us.
It seems to us that the only purpose of the letter that has come to light is to seek notoriety through the creation of controversy by looking to the past and decontextualizing historical facts in an opportunistic manner, and that it promotes Islamophobia and opposes the harmonious coexistence of all Seville citizens.
The Seville Mosque Foundation does not look to the past, but to the future of Muslims in Seville and the integration of the Muslim community through the service to all the inhabitants of the city, promoting coexistence and mutual respect, proof of this are the constant activities carried out by the foundation and that can be consulted on our website.