Dinner and distribution of Qurans with the Muslim Communities of Seville

The strength of Muslims is in being united and encouraging one another to right belief and action.
For this reason, any excuse that unites Muslims around what is right is good.

The Mezquita de Sevilla Foundation, whose headquarters are located in Plaza Ponce de León, in Seville, organized a dinner on Saturday, April 21, to which all the communities of Seville and some of Huelva were invited.

It was an honour to receive representatives of these communities and share with them an evening in which we had dinner together and the Mosque Foundation of Seville distributed boxes with the translations of the Koran in bilingual edition.
These translations have been donated to the Mosque Foundation of Seville by Diyanet Vakfi for distribution.

They also took the opportunity to distribute, also free of charge, the books donated by Shaykh Osman Nur Topbash, to all those who wanted to take them to their respective Mosques and centers. (If you would like to receive them for free for distribution as well, please contact us).

The dinner took place in a relaxed atmosphere that gave rise to friendly conversations full of good intentions.

We sincerely thank all those present for having come to this invitation and we hope that this is only the beginning of a further strengthening of ties between the Muslims of Seville.