Donation of a painting from the Embassy of Mali to the Foundation of the Seville Mosque

The Embassy of the Republic of Mali has donated to the Seville Mosque Foundation a beautiful painting on manuscripts and education in Timbuktu, entitled: “Timbuktu Peace and Culture”. The painting, made at the request of the Embassy, illustrates the ancestral values of Mali based on the search for knowledge, love of others, tolerance, solidarity, coexistence, respect for differences and peace. The painting was created by the Spanish painter Irène López de Castro, an artist who knows Mali well.

The generous donation from the Embassy of Mali is a consequence of the presence of Mali as a guest country in the XXII Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster la Real, held from October 7 to 9, 2022 in Huelva. From where for some years it is intended to give a broader and more generous vision of Islam through the cultural expressions of different Muslim-majority countries.

In recent years, we have had the pleasure of having Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Mali with us. And we hope to continue contributing through their embassies in Spain, so that we can get to know these countries and their cultures closely during the conference.

Our most sincere thanks to the Ambassador of Mali, HE Abdrahmane Baby, Commandeur de l’Ordre National, for his generosity, closeness and kindness. It was a real honor to have him with us during the days of the Islamic Culture Days in Almonaster, and a great honor to receive this generous donation and affectionate letter from him. And we hope to be able to welcome you again in Seville soon.

We will look for a place of honor for the precious painting where everyone can admire it and it will be a constant reminder of our closeness and ties with our brothers in Mali.