Donation of more than 5000 books by Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbaş, for free distribution.

Our thanks to Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbaş Hoca Efendi and Erkam Yayınları Publishing House for the more than 5000 books we received from them at the Seville Mosque Foundation.

The books are for free distribution and are already available at the Seville Mosque Foundation.

They will also soon be available to order online at Madrasa Editorial, paying shipping and handling.

Any Organization/Community/Mezquita interested in having them and distributing them please contact us at

Books have also been prepared for distribution in Melilla, Granada and Barcelona.

If anyone is interested in books, they can pick them up during prayer times when the mosque is open.

The books are also available in PDF format for free downloading at