A delegation from the Seville Mosque Foundation, made up of Luqman Nieto, vice-president, and Hajj Khalid, director of communication, attended the Feast of the Throne of the Kingdom of Morocco at the Moroccan consulate in Seville.
As every year, the Consul General of Farid Aoulouhaj, had the deference to invite the Mosque Foundation of Seville to this event which was also attended by Mrs. María Carmen Clarisa Castreño Lucas, First Deputy Mayor of the City of Seville, as well as other personalities, public officials, both civilians and security forces, and different representatives of Sevillian society.
At the event, whose reception took place at the headquarters of the Three Cultures Foundation, the Consul addressed a few words in which he emphasised the close relationship of cooperation between Spain and Morocco and the historical and cultural ties that unite both shores.
He also spoke of the importance of the figure of the King, both in Moroccan and Spanish society, as a point of union of different attitudes in both countries.
The event featured the musical entertainment of an Andalusian music group and canapés of typical Spanish and Moroccan cuisine were tasted.
It is an honour for the Seville Mosque Foundation to have been invited once again to this important celebration of the Kingdom of Morocco, with which we have close ties that we hope will be strengthened.

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