Hispano-Moroccan International Meeting, University of Seville

Between September 29 and 30, the University of Seville is holding the International Hispano-Moroccan meeting under the title, “Education and the working environment of Moroccan women in Spain and Morocco”.

Yesterday, Khalid Nieto, vice-president of the Seville Mosque Foundation and Hassani Makroum, from the social services of the Seville Mosque Foundation, were invited to the round table to talk about Moroccan women, their training and their relationship with the world of work. It was a pleasure for us to collaborate and from here our sincere thanks for the invitation and congratulations for the effort, especially to Dr. Vicente Llorent.


  • To raise awareness among teachers and other members of the educational community about the importance of education for the insertion of women who choose to work in the labor market.
  • To contribute to the promotion and development of a fairer education both in Morocco and in Spain, where all students, men and women, acquire adequate job training.
  • To learn about the respect given to different cultures, traditions and religions in the working environments of Morocco and Spain, from the perspective of women.
  • Establish training proposals for action in the face of cultural diversity in educational centers and in the workplace, which combine the education that children receive at home with the education they receive at school.
  • To learn about the work of associations and organizations working in this field.

Each and every one of the people who make up society has its own characteristics, ideologies and cultures that coexist within it and that, in addition, make up a new social identity. Education should promote the integral development of each and every member of society by offering the necessary tools so that they can develop their potential in the different aspects of their lives. Work is an area of unquestionable importance.

Women as workers, not only in the work environment but also in the family environment, should be offered sufficient knowledge and resources for their socio-educational development. In a way that allows her to grow professionally, occupationally and personally in the direction that she herself deems appropriate.

This meeting aims to make visible the personal work of women, both those living in Morocco and those of Moroccan origin living in Spain. We intend to create a space for coexistence and dialogue in order to make known the experiences of Moroccan women and women of Moroccan origin in the educational systems and their insertion in the labor market of both countries.

In this sense, the university occupies an irreplaceable place, since it is not only a means of transmission of specific knowledge required for the exercise of a particular profession, but must also be the ideal forum for the reception of new ideas, new concerns and aspirations of each society.

With the firm intention of continuing our efforts to promote greater equity between men and women in different cultures, as well as to analyze the many and varied educational problems that affect the education of women for their subsequent labor development, we decided to organize a Spanish-Moroccan congress where those interested in the subject can present their reflections and points of view. We are convinced that this meeting will serve as a useful point of reference for all those who are somehow interested in learning about different educational and labor perspectives.

Comparative Education is following a determined course that will undoubtedly lead it to occupy the important place that corresponds to it within the framework of the Educational Sciences. Comparative studies can and should play an important role in the analyses and discussions prior to making political-educational decisions. The enormous concern raised in Moroccan and Spanish social spheres about education and the rights of men and women is more than enough reason for us, from our field of action, to delve deeper into a subject like this, of such transcendental importance for our respective societies.


This international meeting is intended to be a space for reflection for all those interested in learning and training on the topic in question. The main target audience of the different presentations will be the students of the universities involved and the members of the institutions participating in it, as well as anyone interested in the subject.


  • ● University of Seville
  • ● Pablo de Olavide University
  • ● University of Huelva
  • ● Consulate General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Seville
  • ● Instituto Cervantes of Tetuán
  • ● Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation
  • ● Official College of Social Work of Seville
  • ● Faculté Pluridisciplinaire de Nador
  • ● Department of Theory and History of Education of the University of Seville.
  • ● Comparative Education Research Group of Seville (GIECSE)
  • ● Association of Moroccan students Azarquiel


  • ● Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP)
  • ● La Casa de Todos Association
  • ● Moroccan Association of Seville
  • ● Red Cross
  • ● Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad.
  • ● CICUS. Center for Cultural Initiatives of the University of Seville.
  • ● Seville Mosque Foundation
  • ● Andalusian Women’s Institute
  • ● SAMU