The II National Congress; “Dismantling Islamophobia”, is proposed as a space for reflection for all those interested in informing, debating, sharing and defining new formulas and strategies to counter Islamophobia. It is a professional academic meeting that aims to dismantle the Islamophobic discourse from different fields.

This second edition is conceived as a 100% online event to be held on November 24, 25 and 26 and is part of the National Program for the Prevention of Islamophobia of the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants and aims to increase the capacity of society to detect and prevent Islamophobic discrimination behavior through training and awareness.

The Seville Mosque Foundation has been invited to participate in the roundtable ¨CONTESTING ISLAMOPHOBIA FROM ISLAM¨, under the title; ¨A proactive response to Islamophobia.¨.

To download the complete program of the conference in PDF format, please CLICK HERE.

The Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants is a Spanish non-profit NGO, created in 2003, and declared of Municipal Public Utility by the Excmo. City Council of Malaga in 2012. It is an independent association with no links to political, ideological or trade union entities. Anchored in Andalusia, our headquarters are located in Malaga and we have territorial delegations in Seville, Almeria, Granada and Algeciras. We also carry out activities in the Community of Madrid and Catalonia. Since its origins, the association has been characterized by a strong social commitment and a strong vocation to work in favor of the general interest. We are an association of “immigrants” that works for the construction of egalitarian societies where all people, regardless of their origin, beliefs or sex, can have access to the same opportunities to exercise their fundamental rights. That is why we fight for the eradication of all forms of social exclusion and injustices linked to migration.