Introductory seminar to Ihsan, given by Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo

On Saturday, April 7 from 11 a.m. to 2.30 p.m., the introductory seminar to the science of Ihsan will be held at the Mosque Foundation of Seville, based on the work of the prestigious ‘alim ‘Abdul Wahid ibn ‘Ashir, taught by Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo.
The topics to be discussed will be: – Who is Ibn ‘Ashir?
– Introduction to Ihsan – Tawbah/Taqwa – Heart Diseases – The Purification of Nafs It is an event open to anyone who is interested and coffee will be served mid-morning.
Who is ‘Abdal Wahid ibn ‘Ashir and what is his work for which he is world-renowned?
Abdul Wahid ibn ‘Ashir, his full name was: Abu Muhammad, ‘Abd al-Wahid ibn Ahmed ibn ‘Ali ibn ‘Ashir, Ibn Sa’ad Al-Ansari.
Originally from a family of Al-Andalus, who emigrated to Fez, where he was born in the year 990 of the hijra, corresponding to 1582 AD.
His childhood, like that of practically all the young people of his time, was devoted to the study of the sciences of the Din, beginning with the to memorization of the Qur’an, its different recitations, and continuing with the various sciences such as Hadith, Fiqh, Tafsir, etc.

This dedication to the Deen made him recognized as Imam and ‘alim in various sciences, such as: recitations of the Qur’an (Kiraat), writing of the Qur’an, grammar (nahw), morphology (sarf), syntaxsis (i’rab), commentary on the Qur’an, (tafsir), hadith, theology (kalam), jurisprudence (fiqh), Sufism (tasawwuf), logic (mantiq), eloquence (bayan), fundamentals of fiqh, (usul al-fiqh), but not only in the sciences of the Deen, He was also known for his knowledge of sciences such as medicine (TIBB) and arithmetic (HISAB).