Introductory seminar to Ramadan, given by Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo

On Saturday, May 5, between the Asr and Maghrib periods, we will have an introductory seminar on Ramadan, given by Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo.

An essential seminar to refresh the knowledge of Ramadan for all Muslims and especially for young and new Muslims, since we have it just around the corner.
Room will be left to resolve any doubts and questions regarding Ramadan.

Fasting consists of abstinence from eating, drinking, and having sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset, on every day of the month of Ramadan.
It begins the month of fasting with the sighting of the new moon on the night before the beginning of the month, and ends with the sighting of the new moon, on the last night of the month of Ramadan.

During the nights of the month of Ramadan, it is highly recommended to do the night prayer called taraweeh, which is performed in the mosques in congregation with an Imam.

This fast is a purification of the body, since fasting for at least one month a year is a cleansing and prevents many diseases related to diet and bad habits.
In addition to abstinence, restraint, and mastery of the most primal animal appetites and instincts of human nature, fasting is also abstaining from looking, hearing, or saying what is not just or right or that does not concern oneself.

The sick, the travelling, and the elderly who do not have the strength may stop fasting.
Women are exempt from fasting during menstruation and the postpartum period.
And you can stop fasting during the last months of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, if you think it may harm your health or that of the child.
But he will have to make up the days on which he has not fasted (fasting on other days outside the month of Ramadan).
The same rule when it comes to making up the days of fasting, applies to the one who has broken it due to forgetfulness or distraction, or who does it because he is sick, or because he fears that by fasting he will get sick, he will have to make up for the days lost once Ramadan is over.
On the other hand, the one who breaks the fast intentionally, apart from making up the day, will also have to pay a fidya (compensation).

It is obligatory to set the intention to fast on the first night of Ramadan, and it is meritorious to renew it every night.
In addition to abstinence and prayer, the month of Ramadan is a special month for practicing generosity and good deeds.