Invitation from the “Associação para a gnose e o livre Pensamento”, Lisbon, Portugal.

On Wednesday, October 18, “La associação para a gnose e o livre Pensamento” (“The Association for Gnosis and Free Thought”), composed of professionals and men of business and culture, was pleased to invite Hajj Khalid Nieto, vice-president of the Seville Mosque Foundation, to a dinner and subsequent debate on Islam in the present time. A meeting that lasted until the wee hours of the morning and that left evidence for everyone of the need to get to know each other and dialogue. Although there were moments of strong positioning on the part of some speakers against concepts that journalism has spread about the truth of Islam, the general climate was cordial and serene.

We appreciate the kindness of this invitation and have returned it by inviting them to visit us for another meeting on the Ihsan, the inner path in Islam.