On Saturday the 26th of November, Mr. Khalid Nieto, Communication Director of the Seville Mosque Foundation, participated as a speaker in the conferences under the title; “Europe is drowning humanity in the Mediterranean,” this event was held at the headquarters of Juntos for Castilleja, Seville.
His speech was divided into three parts. The first was a description of the journey that the first Muslim community made between Mecca and Medina. A journey that was the origin of the Islamic calendar. He talked about a parallel between this trip and the similar circumstances that millions of people have to make these days. He emphasized how the brotherhood that arose there, was the real reason for the expansion of Islam.
In the second part titled “Testimony in the limit”, he explained how one can feel refuge in his own land. For it he spock of that limit that circumstances make you cross, and of the experiences that in that passage affects the one that realizes it. Describing the limit as a space where truth without concessions is been made present. He continues to make a battery of issues very much in the style of Blas de Otero, especially what in our historical moment, the rise of markets and finance and global neo capitalism, are generating as guidelines that breaks the social ethos of traditional communities.
The third part was a thread of hope. He explained it through a story that describes the courage and generosity of a person from the Islamic community, who after overcoming serious health crises that made him lose his status as a skilled worker, turned his home into a foster home, despite having all unfavorable circumstances. And as how in this determined attitude gives us an example that the heart is stronger than the economy.
Later he participated in the colloquium that emerged from his intervention.
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