Khutba: Fasting is part of the Sharia (path) of all the Prophets (Audio English/Arabic – 18.05.18)

Jumua Khutba: Fasting is part of the Sharia (path) of all the Prophets

Fasting has been prescribed for you just as it was prescribed for those who preceded you. May you be afraid (of Allah)!

For a certain number of days, fixed for that purpose.
But whoever is sick or traveling, may do so, in equal number, on other days.
And those who are able to fast (do not do so or break their fast) should feed, as an exemption, some poor people.
But whoever does good spontaneously will be better for him.
And fasting is better for you, if you know.
* [This verse, according to which there would be license to break the fast voluntarily with the simple compensation mentioned, is abrogated by the following. There is also the opinion that it refers only to the case of the elderly, who, although able to fast because he is not prevented by illness or travel, interrupts his fast in consideration of his weakness; and in this sense it is not possible to speak of abrogation.]

In the month of Ramadan, the Qur’an was sent down, guidance for men and clear proofs of Guidance and Discernment; therefore, whoever among you sees the month* should fast, and whoever is sick or travelling, let him do so at another time, for the same number of days.
Allah wants for you the easy and not the difficult, but He wants you to complete the number (of days) and to proclaim the greatness of Allah for having guided you.
May you be grateful!
* [i.e., the new moon, which indicates the beginning of the month.]

Delivered on Friday, May 18, 2018 by Imam Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara, at the musal-la of the Seville Mosque Foundation, in Plaza Ponce de León, Seville.