Khutba: In unity is strength

Servants of Allah: Verily, Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, has commanded the sincere believers to unite in communality, to remain united, and warns them about separation, strife and strife; he says: “Hold fast together to the rope of Allah and do not be separated” (Family of Imran, 103).

Verily, Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, has commanded sincere believers to unite in community, to remain united, and warns them about separation, strife, and disputes; he says: “Hold fast together to the rope of Allah and do not be separated” (Family of Imran, 103).
The rope of Allah is the Qur’an, it is Islam, it is the Imam.
Abbdullah ibn Mas’ood explains that the rope of Allah is the community; He says: “Hold fast to obedience and to the community (jjama’ah), for that is indeed the rope of Allah, to which He has commanded you to cling.”
Muslims, certainly our Deen of Islam calls us to unity, to unite our word; to remain in a single file, under the same banner; to reject confrontations and disputes; to exchange advice, and to everything that leads to the union of the Muslims.
The first thing that the Messenger of Allah did when he arrived in Medina al-Munawara was to bring the Muhajiroon and the Ansar together; by that act he turned these enemy tribes into brothers, into one united family; they woke up as a firm building, strengthening one another, as one body that, when one of the members suffers, the rest react with fever and lack of sleep.”
The first step taken by the Messenger of Allah to build a strong community was that twinning between the people of Makkah and Madinah, so that their roots would be strong and firm, so that they would be like “a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches rise to heaven, bearing fruit in every season with the permission of His Lord” (Ibrahim 24).
With this wisdom-filled action of the Messenger of Allah, hearts were united and love and harmony grew among the best community.
To them Allah sent the best of creation, Muhammad, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, to unite them under one banner, to remove any temptation between them from the fire of fitna, the fire of ignorance and the strife that existed before his arrival; Allah says: ” Remember the favor that Allah has had with you when, having been enemies, He has joined your hearts and by His grace you have become brothers.
You were on the edge of an abyss of Fire and it saved you from it.”
(Family of ‘Imran, 103).
Reflect on how, by acting in this way, the Messenger of Allah gave strength to His Companions, how he united them under one word and under one banner.
Their motto was: La ilaha illa’llah, Muhammad rasulullah.
He left to his Ummah a path, a clear and diaphanous destiny, his night being like his day, and from which he deviates only the one who is lost; And verily, the one who is lost is the one who wants separation and confrontation for his brothers, the one who seeks to light the fire of the fitna with bickering, with slander and lies, since the fitna is always asleep and Allah curses those who kindle it and awaken it.
Servants of Allah, indeed brotherhood and union on the Deen have a very high value, for it is the strongest bond of union between human beings.
It is one of the gifts that Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, has given to this Ummah, and this is stated in the Qur’an when it says: He is the One Who helped you with His help and with believers.
And he united their hearts.
Even if you had spent all that is on earth, you would not have succeeded in uniting their hearts; however, Allah brought them together.
Verily, He is Irresistible, Wise.”
(Botines de Guerra, 63).
For this reason, because of this value and weight that brotherhood and union possess, the Messenger calls us to avoid everything that can corrupt it, he calls us to stay away from everything that can shake its foundations once they have already been established on love, cordiality, affection and sincerity.
The Messenger said: Do not envy yourselves, do not deceive yourselves in the sale, do not hate each other, do not turn your back on each other, and let no one intercede in the sale of the other, and be slaves of Allah, brothers.
The Muslim is the brother of the Muslim, he is not unjust to him, he does not betray him and he does not detest him.
The Taqwa is here
(and pointed three times <to><> his chest).
Es suficiente mal para un hombre que deteste a su hermano musulmán.
Todo musulmán es sagrado para otro musulmán, su sangre, su riqueza y su honor
”. O Allah, we ask You to make us to be of the people who do not betray each other, who are Your sincere servants and who are brothers to each other.
Servants of Allah: Verily, our noble Messenger Muhammad, Salallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam, warns us of the danger of isolating oneself and separating oneself from the Muslim community; Says: “Clinging to the community and beware of separation, for surely Shaytaan is with the one who is alone (isolated); And if there are two, it’s farther away; and, certainly, the wolf eats the sheep that is isolated, that is separated.” This is a clear example: wolves seize prey that is far from the flock, those that are outside the perimeter covered by the shepherd; the same happens with the human being: he is weak in himself and strong with his brothers; isolated, lonely, isolated, he does not have the same strength as being supported and helped by his brothers.
There was a very old wise man who felt his death was near, so he sent his sons together to advise them.
He gave them a set of branches joined together in a bundle and asked them to break it.
One after another they tried, but none of them were able to break it.
Then the old man took it, untied it, and separated the branches one by one, giving them to his sons, who broke them easily.
This was the way in <><>which the old man illustrated to his children how in union there is strength and in separation, weakness.
Servants of Allah, indeed, part of what strengthens the community and unites those who form it is good character and good behavior, adab and respect among its components; the adab to which Islam calls us is to lower our gaze at the faults of our brothers and sisters, it is to forgive the bad they have committed, it is to have a good opinion of others, it is to always wish the best for everyone, both individually and collectively.
A Muslim is one who, if he sees that his brother is straying, if he is making a mistake, corrects him and leads him courteously to the right path, by good counsel, by adab and respect, by wisdom and good words, as Allah commands us.
And it has certainly been said, “You can achieve by skill what you will achieve by strength.”
The Muslim is one who clings to adab and good behavior and good character in all moments of his life, in his words and in his silences, in his joy and in his sadness.
He is an example in himself, whether he is silent or speaking, with his words and with his actions.
Allah says: “Call to the way of your Lord by means of Wisdom and good exhortation.” Fear Allah, O His servants; reconcile with one another through love, by extending greeting, by helping one another, by employing all that serves to strengthen the Jama’ah; and among the ways to achieve this, is to desire the common good rather than one’s own good, and to employ yourself in that which is of benefit to the Deen and to the Ummah of Islam.
Allah says: “Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not dispute, for then you will be cowed and lose your momentum. And be patient, for Allah is indeed with the patient” (Spoils of War, 47).
And Allah says in another verse: “Seek help in virtue and Taqwa, not in disobedience or transgression.” O Allah, we ask You to make us one of those who hold and make the Jama’ah strong.
Khutba of Friday, April 3, 2015, Seville.
Hafith Luqman Nieto

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